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Jijun introduces container specification requirements


       Regarding the weight limit of the container, the first is the weight limit of the container itself. Each container will be clearly marked with its maximum weight: MAX weight XXXXKGS, TARE weight ZZZZ KGS. The former minus the latter is the maximum loading weight of the container. Some container doors will indicate this weight limit directly with PAYLOAD: SSSSKGS.


       This is the maximum strength that the container can withstand. If the load exceeds this limit, the container may be deformed, the bottom plate may fall off, the top beam may be bent, and other damage may occur. All losses arising from this will be borne by the loader. Most professional container terminals in China are equipped with automatic weighbridge, so as long as the container load exceeds the container weight limit, the terminal will refuse to accept containers. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the weight limit of the container before packaging to avoid unnecessary reloading operations.


       The old ordinary dry cargo box is divided into 20'GP; There are two types of 40'GP, of which the general weight limit of 20'GP is 21.5 tons, suitable for loading heavy goods, and the weight limit of 40'GP is 26 tons, suitable for loading light goods. However, with the popularization of container shipping, more and more goods that are not suitable for container transportation begin to be transported by container ships, which puts forward higher requirements for container containers.


       Soon, some shipping companies developed 40HQ to transport light foam goods such as textiles and electronic products to Europe, with a general weight limit of 25.5 tons; With more kinds of goods, such as ore, grain and chemicals, joining the ranks of container transport, shipping companies have developed a 20'GP reinforced box with a weight limit of 27.5 tons; The weight of 40'GP reinforced box is limited to 28 tons, and even some shipping companies specially develop 45 'and 48' special boxes in some specific countries.


       Secondly, container transportation is a collaborative process involving multiple departments. Therefore, in addition to the weight limitation of the container itself, some other factors need to be considered, as shown below:


       1. Mechanical equipment load of wharf and storage yard. After the container ship docks at the wharf, it is generally required to load and unload the container ship with the quay crane, and then drag the container ship to the container yard with a truck and lift it down with a forklift. If the weight of the container exceeds the mechanical load, it will cause difficulties in the operation of the terminal and the storage yard. Therefore, for some small ports with relatively backward equipment, shipping companies will generally notify the port weight limit in advance, and those exceeding this limit will not be accepted.


       2. Support road transportation weight limitation. Those who have been to the inland point of the United States have experienced that the weight limit of road transportation in the United States is very strict. As many containers need to be towed inland by truck after unloading at the terminal, the weight limit of the highway is also the reason why shipping companies limit the weight of containers. Of course, only the people on the dock are unrestricted. In addition to the United States, South Korea has also imposed road weight restrictions since 2008.


       3. Cabin/weight balance of the shipping company. Each container ship has certain space and weight limitations, but on a specific route, space and weight are not always balanced. Conflicts often occur in North China, where heavy goods are concentrated. The weight of the ship has arrived, and the space is still very small. In order to make up for the loss of this kind of space, shipping companies often adopt the strategy of price increase, that is, they will charge extra freight when the weight of goods exceeds how many tons. Some shipping companies purchase shipping space from other shipping companies instead of their own ships. The weight limit will be more strict, because the shipping space sales between shipping companies are calculated according to the standard of 1TEU=14 tons or 16 tons, and those exceeding the weight will not be allowed to board

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